ESAAL’s Legislative Advocacy CenterA few reasons why legislative outreach is important!
It’s our responsibility to advocate for our residents, to voice our concerns, to propose improvements and to ensure government policy aligns with the best interests of our residents ESAAL is committed to educating policymakers and advocating for critical legislation impacting the senior living industry. Our advocacy efforts are key in helping to shape both state laws and budgets. There are many points in the legislative process at which you, as a provider, can become more involved--from the drafting and introduction of a bill to its passage and enactment into law. The importance of getting involved cannot be overstated. Most state legislators know very little about assisted living related issues and the impact that they have on people’s lives. They have much to learn from you and other key stakeholders. ESAAL's 2024 Executive Budget PrioritiesEngage With Your Local Legislators!First, know who your representatives are. FIND MY ASSEMBLYMEMBER FIND MY SENATOR
Do you need help with Advocacy?Contact ESAAL for information related to legislative issues, talking points and/or if you just want assistance crafting key messages. Contact: Chris Vitale, Legislative Coordinator at 315-224-3531 or [email protected] Advocacy Action Center |